National MS Society, Greater Carolinas

National MS Society, Greater Carolinas


Nonprofit Organizations

About Us

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is the largest MS organization in the world. Over 8.6 million people engage with the Society each year. We continue to make progress by breaking down global barriers and bringing all perspectives to the table.

We will continue to build upon our more than 75 years of progress until we achieve our vision of a world free of multiple sclerosis.
- We work tirelessly to improve equitable, affordable access to healthcare. Our first-ever virtual MS Activist Rally brought more than 5,000 new voices to our efforts, helping us make significant headway in influencing legislation at the state and federal levels.
- We empower people from all communities affected by MS. New programs like “New to Pediatric MS” broaden our reach to connect with audiences to provide the support, communities and resources they need.
- Our research efforts focus on accelerating cures and engaging the global community to pursue the most promising research.
- We create strong connections with everyone affected by MS, and supporters of our movement are showing up in powerful ways.

Bike MS: Historic New Bern Ride will start and finish at Union Point Park, surrounded by the beautiful Neuse and Trent Rivers. Your journey will take you through New Bern, a charming and historic waterfront town, and the amazing roads of Eastern North Carolina. Enjoy over 35 years of Bike MS: Historic New Bern Ride – a ride where everything comes together, including cyclists pedaling towards a world free of MS.

Fundraising Minimum: $300

Route distances: 30, 50, 75, and 100 miles

Video Media


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Bike MS Social - Brewery99
Bike MS Social - Brewery99